Nestled in the enchanting Florida Keys, Theater of the Sea is not just a marine park; it’s an immersive experience that brings you face-to-face with an incredible array of marine life. From captivating marine animal shows to engaging animal exhibits, this iconic...
General Admission as of this writing is $48 per adult. This gets you quite a bit, besides being able to watch the participant in the water with the dolphin during their program. You can take photos and video as an observer and you get get general admission into the...
If you bring anyone under 18 years old and they are not your child please make sure that you have the parents sign waivers for the children. If there is one thing that could ruin your vacation, is showing up to the dolphin facility and not allowed in because you did...
Nestled in the heart of the Florida Keys, Theater of the Sea in Islamorada is more than just a marine park; it’s a living testament to the enduring love and passion for marine life. For over seven decades, this iconic attraction has been enchanting visitors with...
If you love nature and Florida Keys swimming with the dolphins in a natural setting, then you will love the dolphin facility in Islamorada. The park was established in 1946 by the McKenney family, Theater of the Sea is one of the oldest marine mammal facilities in the...