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Snorkeling with Dolphins in the Florida Keys

Snorkeling is very popular in the Florida Keys. There are many boat that go to the reef and you can snorkel on the reef. We do offer a 1 day program where you can do both, dolphin swim and snorkel trip to the reef. Please call us about this option. We use the term snorkeling loosely because we give you a mask and fins to swim next the dolphins and have the ability to dive down with the dolphin while you hold your breath.

The Florida Keys is one of the few places where you can actually put on snorkel a mask and scuba fins and slowly swim with the dolphins. This behavior will really make your feel like you actually swimming with the dolphins, on their terms and they will slow down to your snorkeling ability.  If you can snorkel and dive down under the water, they will join you with your dive. This is wonderful way to see them eye to eye and see their grace as the swim under the water. To see an example of what you can do, click this video…


If you are ready to book the Florida Keys Swim with Dolphins program, please click this link.

You will love swimming slowing with the dolphin. The video above really shows you the wonder and grace of this amazing animal.

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